Tutorial Tips And Tricks In Windows 7

Tutorial Tips And Tricks In Windows 7

Just For Share Friend :) , I Writing this articles about Tutorial Tips And Tricks In Windows 7 
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How to eliminate the login box (password logon) screen in windows 7

try to disable or remove (disable) the login password / login screen windows 7, I mean the login box / logon screen like below: 
With the switch off (disable) to log in a password (log on password), then it could speed up the loading time (startup) your windows 7, weakness is if your computer is opened by your friends without asking permission, then he could open your computer.
So you need to consider if there is data in your computer that should not be shared with others. how To remove login (logon) password is not effective.

To remove / disable password to log in (log on) windows 7 you can do the following procedure:

1. On the Start menu select Control Panel
In the following dialog box, select "Add or remove user accounts"

2. Select the user (super user / administrator), click the remove the password

3. enter the password of the currently active, click remove password
Restart the computer, if successful then no longer log in a password box,
engetik password so no need to go into your windows 7

How to enlarge the size of disk partition in Windows 7

To enlarge the size of disk partition in Windows 7:

1. In search box type in computer management and then enter

2. Select the partition that will be in the larger size, in our example will
enlarge the size of the partition Win7

Right click on the Win7, select Extend Volume ...

3. Choose Next

To insert an image (logo) alone in the system properties windows 7:

A. Change the format bmp image into a form, I consider friends have a picture in bmp format, change the file name into OEMLogo, if you can not see how to convert images to bmp format

B. Copy / copy the image into the directory OEMLogo windows/system32 /

C. Setting / change / set registry

Before you start editing the registry backups, can see a guide here backup registry

1. in the search box, type regedit then enter

2. open directory
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion
\ OEMInformation in OEMInformation directory
, create a new string click
right, will appear a popup menu, select New -> string value

3. will display new value # 1, replace with Logo

4. You can also klikkanan the new value # 1 select rename, type (change)
New Value # 1  Logo

5. Double click on the logo, the value of data type:
\ Windows \ system32 \ OEMLogo.bmp
Click OK
Restart the computer, if successful will appear / perform a new logo in the system

4. Just leave the default if you want to use all the free spaces
Click Next

5. Click Finish

6. Now there are 4 partitions on your hard drive, Win7 has changed in size
be larger than its original size

How to add virtual memory to improve performance of Windows 7.Here is the procedure or how to increase virtual memory windows 7:

1. Right click on computer icon select properties

2. Select Advanced system settings

3. Select the Advanced tab Select the settings button ..

4. In the virtual memory change button select ...

5. Remove the check "automatically manage paging file size for all drives
Select custom size option
Fill in the initial size (MB): 1000 (adjust the capacity space
blank on your hard drive)
Fill in the maximum size (MB): 2000 (adjust the capacity space
blank on your hard drive can be larger or smaller than the value tsb) Click
Set button

6. the result will look like the picture below Select OK Restart
your computer

Here are some tips to speed up / improve performance windows 7

1. Turn off / disable unnecessary services, such as:
Disabling autoplay / autorun in windows 7
How to Uninstall Tablet PC components in Windows 7
How to turn off (disable) the automatic update in windows 7
Speed up menu display in windows 7 start menu
Turn off (disable) telephony service in windows 7
Turn off (disable) the fax service in windows 7
Turn off (disable) error reporting windows 7 etc.

2. Add virtual memory

3. If the size of a large hard drive, you should create disk partition

4. do scandisk and defrag on a regular basis

5. delete junk files windows, such as temporary files, prefetch files, file
regeistry an error

6. Scan viruses and adware on a regular basis

7. Install the application to taste

To disable error reporting in windows 7:

1. In search box type in services.msc then hit enter

2. Click on the Windows error reporting

3. On the Start up type, select Disable

4. The interface will look like below
Click OK
2. select the drive that contains windows 7

To change the menu shows delay for quicker start menu display can perform :

1. In search box type regedit, then enter

2. Open the directory Computer \ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
Double click on the menu show delay in the dialog box that appears change
value value data from 400 to 0 or 1
Click OK

Ok finish :)


sexy girl said...

malam gan, ikut numpang link ya,hehehe postingannya inggris keren bgt,.. tq atas kunjungannya gan,..

Anisayu said...

Punyaku windows 7 kenapa ga bs ninggalin pesan kalau buku tamunya di hide seperti milikmu jd ini beban terberatku,,, tolong dong bantu aq kawan
karena ngga nampak kolom wat nulis pesan trimakasih,,,,

Dea Bianglala said...

berkunjung nih... :) lg cari ide

knp masih byk yg tak mau istal win7 ya??
lebih sula win Xp terutama yg pro

Internet tips and share info said...

@sexy girls : silahkan gan :)

@anisayu : :-t oh sejak kapan tidak bisa menulis buku tamunya?apakah tidak bisa di buka buku tamunya atau 'erorr pada bagian penulisan nama dll ' menurutku itu bukan kesalahan sistem pada windows 7, coba saja anda hapus firefox kemudian install kembali, kemudian install adobe flash player. lalu coba lagi :) kalo masih tidak bisa hubungi saya kembali di sini atau via email :)] -terimakasih-

@Dea : ok maksih atas kunjunganya :) ya biasanya windows 7 ada yang tidak support pada instalation, berat karena spesifik komputernya kecil bisa jadi orang tidak mau menginstalasi win7 ini, tapi kata saya nyaman juga memakai windows 7.terimakasih atas komentarnya :D

Muhammad Chandra said...

wah untuk windows vista gak ada sob ? heheh

Internet tips and share info said...

@Muhammad Chandra : belum ada gan, ntar ane update lagi deh :D makasih gan sudah ampir ;)

Tutorial Blog said...

wah,,boleh di coba nih tricknya,, kebetulan ane juga pengguna win 7, windows 7 lover hehe ^_^
thanks, gan ^_^

roffe said...

Hai..Thanks for your visit...

Roy said...

Very informative to newbies. Keep it up, nice works.


I Wish U that your all dreams come true. *HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011*. Love and Regards FOTIS.

Ladida's Blog said...

woww . , I think win se7en is a good product of microsoft windows . ,

it repaired perfectly . , so we can use it well . , :D

thanks for the tricks friend . , I'm waiting for ur next post . , :)

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