Increase Your Windows Xp Speed now!!!, none of them put all the posts together. Today’s post is some what interesting where we will know how to Increase Your Windows Xp Speed .First I have to make sure that what ever we are installing in windows will show same effect on the performance of the system. So make sure that you wont install too much of stuff in your computer.
The best part is the we are not any software’s or applications to speed up our system. All you have to do is to edit the registry file which is very easy. Just follow the simple steps given below :
Speed Up Booting Process in XP.
- Open Run (Win + R)
- Type regedit
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then to SYSTEM and to CurrentControlSet and to Control and
- Click on ContentIndex, You can see a list of files in right hand window.
- Go there and search for Startupdelay and double click on it to edit it.
- Change the Base Valuse from Hexadecimal to Decimal
- Now change the value from 480000 to 4000.

8. Here the exact location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Startupdelay
9. This will speed up your windows start-up and if you still didn’t understand, you can take a look at the screenshot above.
Speed Up Shutdown Process in XP.
- Open Run (Win + R)
- Type regedit
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then to SYSTEM and to CurrentControlSet and to Control
- Click on control and look at right side where you can see a file called wait to kill service.
- Now open that file by double clicking it and change the value from 2000 to 20
- Here is the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
- Try this and you will love to see your system shutting down so fast
Speeding Up Windows Xp and RAM.
- This trick will speed up your PC so fast that you wont believe it.
- Just you have to create VBE Script which makes your ram to work fast.
- This is safe and tested. Just open Notepad and Type as mystring=(80000000) which has 7 0′s in it.
- And save it as ram.vbe or any other name which you want.
- This will create a speed.vbe script which is a kind of ram optimizer. Put it on your desktop and double click on it when ever you feel your system is slow.
- This is tested in many system’s and which have showed very good results. I prefer you to try this on any slow system for you to experience the difference.
- No need to restart or shutdown your system when you feel its slow. Just use this speed.vbe script
- You can also use this simple steps to make xp more faster.
- Right click on My Computer and Click on Properties.
- And then Advanced, look for first option performance and then click on setting.
- Click on custom and De-select all the option expect the last two.
- Click on Apply and then check out the windows performance which is a lot more better now.

Change Windows Xp SP2 to Sp3 and Sp2 to Sp1 easily.
- This can be done very easily with simple steps.
- Open run and type regedit.
- go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and System and to CurrentControlSet and to Control
- Find windows folder in control and then click on it to see CSD Version which is on the right side.
- Double click to open it and then Change the data value from 200 XP SP2 to 300 for XP SP3
- and Change 200 XP SP2 t0 100 for XP SP1.
- By this way you can change Windows Xp Service packs 1,2,3 to whatever you want.
Hope you all liked this my post of Windows Xp Speedup Secrets. Please comment this post :D.
happy blogging friend :)
wah..mantabs nih tips n trik windows XP nya,,,
daily vi$it
@ asis sugianto : ok sob.... :D ane butuh anti spyware+keygen ada ga nih sob :) hehe
@ geceolculugu : ok ... thank u :D
ajib sob...infonya
nice inpoh nih :D
what about windows 7, gan,,,hehe
just vi$iting
yaah , untuk windows vista gak ada lagi :))
gpp deh , sukses terus :D
thanks. perlu di terapkan nih. good knowledge
GOOD ~ !!!!
wah..mantabs nih tips n trik windows XP nya,,,
Thanks 4 the Info... Cross
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
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