Free Download Manager is a full-featured download accelerator and manager. It is absolutely free now! Using this software product you can easily download a list of files and whole web sites from any remote server via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. With FDM the downloading process will be as easy as never before!
Main Features of Free Download Manager (FDM) :
Main Features of Free Download Manager (FDM) :
- Free Download Manager offers you a vast variety of options to control and schedule your downloads. This is a light-weight but powerful download manager
- .FDM can resume your broken download so that you needn't start it from the beginning after casual interruption.
- FDM allows you to limit the downloading speed. There are 3 modes of network usage: Light, Medium and Heavy.
- Capability to split download into several sections allows you to increase download speed up to 600%.
- FDM can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, launch any program, disconnect or shut down your computer when it's done.
- This download manager allows you to specify the settings of network usage, such as login and password, maximum number of connections, default group, etc. So you can avoid adjusting these settings every time you need to create new download from the server.
- Also you can download the whole web sites from the remote server. You can adjust FDM to download files with the extensions you have specified.
good info
@ BLOG Si YAQIN : Ok bos
info keren, Gan.. udah saya donlot
Ok gan... saya juga pake ini gan lebih cepat ga minta license terus kaya IDM.......
makasih for comment gan 
come$ to you
blogwalking $unday and view
Kunjungan hari minggu n mat pagi!!!!
thanks for share
@ ALL : Thanks for comment
Duh..I don't really get it what all this staff for...
nice job$$
Merry Christmas to you and family, wish you a generous and healthy week
hi hi nice to meet you here, thanks for visiting my blog, hope to see your visit again soon, have a nice day !! =D
ki$$ u back
haiii haii blogwalking pagihari cari info keren neee
merhaba for you $$$$
Will I have to wait for the cracked full version? (LOL)
Visiting and $miling for you here.
Please visit & help : - thanks
smile here
hello everyone..merry X-mAS visit me plz...
Gan, ane balik lagi mau curhad
beginih ceritanyah: dulu tuh sebelum donlod FDM ini saya duluan donlod IDM. Nah setelah itu tiap mau donlod yang nongol di pop up tuh malah IDM mulu..
gimana cara ngaktifin FDM-nya Gan? apa musti si IDM kita tendang dulu?? ditunggu jwbnnya ya, Gan..
Sukses buat Agan.. 
@muxlimo : Mgkin ane bisa naggapi...menurut ane bener gan tendang dulutu IDM...sekalian ente bisa mampir ke blog ane..sapa tau ada software or game yg ente cari.. lame kenal
@admin : ijin unduh gan sekalian nambah koleksi software ane..
@ MUXLIMO : Oh ia gan bener kata @computer word IDM nya tendang dulu aja. si IDM Memang kadang membuat kesal selalu muncul pada waktu masuk windows
ane juga gitu asalnya pake idm udah pake crack percuma muncul lagi gan.
jadinya. lalu ane ganti ama yang FDM ini + add on dari mozzila yaitu downthem all lebih enak+mantap gan
-terimakasih-sudah hadir 
@computer word : ok gan silahkan
WOW! makasih @ 2 master yang udah ikhlas bales komen sayah...
siap laksanakan!
btw, @ Mas Computer Word ..saya berkali2 mau masuk ke blog Agan, tapi diblock terus
katanya ada malware :O helep plis..
udah kuceraikan si IDM
btw, kalo FDM pake chrome gimana tuh caranya, kok gak ada pop up nya ya??
@ MUXLIMO : Kurang tahu gan ane soalnya pake mozilla gak pake chrome.
setahu ane si tinggal di Setting Aja gan di FDMnya,,,pada option-nya
selamat mencoba gan 
Λίγες γραμμές πολλές ευχές για μια ζωή όλο χαρές. Χρόνια πολλά και ευτυχισμένα, νά'χεις ζωή παραμυθένια, δάκρυ ποτέ να μη γνωρίσεις και ότι αγαπάς να αποκτήσεις. Καλή Χρονιά!!! Happy new year.
numpang nyedut gan..
sekalian numpang pasang link..hehehe...
Happy New Year, my frind!
hope this year will be better than last year and makes good changes in every side of our life
Happy new year friend, I wish the best the year that comes for all in all the fields.....
Happy New Years,,,,,,,,,,Good Blog, Visit Me
A warm and sincere wishes for a happy new year, dear friend! Thanks for your visit.Ale
nice info^^
aQ turut download sob
@ all : ok thanks too....
Happy new year friend to the distance with very much fondness from my small community and that you have a beautiful successful year, congratulati
halo friend how are you
terima kasih infonya !!!
morning brad
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