1. Clean first, or first scan your PC / Laptop before you install deep freeze from viruses that may exist. Because after we activate the deep freeze, we will not be able to delete or add files to the drive that we give security to the deep freeze. Because whatever we remove, after the computer restarts remove the files that we'd be back again as before. So try to clean our computers before we install deep freeze.
2. Try to drive the security given by the deep freeze is only a "C". Because of drive C is a computer system that we use. if we were providing security of all drives, we must first turn off the deep freeze if we want to add files to the drive.
3. Specify the password of the most easy to remember, so that we do not forget when we're going to unininstall or disable deep freeze. There is software available to break the password if we forgot to open it, but it would be nice if we did not forget the password so we do not bother to download the software.
4. Finish
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Deep freeze is a fabulous software.
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Deep freeze is a fabulous software.
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