Just to share I will discuss the 10 History of the most dangerous virus in the world , ok, I just tell you all
1.Storm Worm
Appears in the years 2006, called "Storm Worm" because spreads via email with the subject "230 dead as storm batters Europe". Storm worm is a Trojan program house. some versions can make computers into bots. Or commonly used hackers to spam mails through the internet.
2. Leap-A/Oompa
AMac that has a concept of security through obscurity sure would not have a virus because of its closed system OS. But in 2006, Leap-A virus or commonly known as Oompa-A emerged. Spreads via iChat on the Mac. After Mac fell ill, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and send messages to each contact. The message that contains the corrupted file in the form of JPEG. It's not dangerous, but it stated that there still might be dangerous virus that attacks the MAC.
3. Sasser and Netsky
Creator German children aged 17 years, Sven Jaschan. Sasser attack Microsoft Windows. This ga Sasser spreads via email. But if one computer connection to a computer that got the virus. This virus makes the computer can not be shutdown without unplug the power. Netsky spread via email with a 22 Kb file attachments and Windows network. Can make a DoS attack. Sven Jaschan imprisoned not only given probation 1 year 9 months, because of his age is still below 18 years.
4. MyDome (Novarg)
Beginning February 1, 2004 attack, the virus has created a backdoor in the OS. The first time it started the 1st of DDoS. Secondly, on 12 Feb, the virus stopped spreading and start creating backdoors. MyDoom spreads via email, but it always search on search engines, like Google began to receive millions of search queries and make slow until it crashes. MyDoom, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer proposed making the National Virus Response Center.
5.SQL Slammer / SapphireAppeared in January 2003
spread via the Internet. At that time make U.S. Bank ATM service crashes, destroy Seattle 911 service, and Continental Airlines to cancel flights because of an error check in ama ticketing. Make income of over $ 1 billion before dipacthed.
It was also in 2001, the opposite of the word "admin". Spread very quickly, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, Nimda only takes 22 minutes to make into the Top Ten at the time. His target server2 Internet, spread over the Internet. Nimda will create backdoor into the OS. so an attacker can access to the server and do anything Nimda also a DDoS.
7.Code Red and Code Red II
Appears summer of 2001, attacking the OS Windows 2000 & NT. The virus will make a full buffer so memory. The most exciting time associated and White House, all the computers that get this virus going to automatically access to the web server in the White House unison, so make overload, aka DDoS attacks. Microsoft finally releases the patch at that time.
8.The KlezBobbed In The Year 2001
spreads via email, then send it to peoples replication in address book. Make your computer can not operate, could stop the antivirus program.
After "Melissa", he emerged from the Philippines, his form of worms, a standalone program able to replicate itself. It spreads via email, titled "love letters" from a secret admirer. His original file LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT. vbs. VBS stands for Visual Basic Scripting. Creator Onel de Guzman was from the Philippines.
Contrived same in the years 1999 David L Smith, basic Microsoft Word macros. It spreads via email with the document "Here Is That document you asked for, do not show it to anybody else.". If until opened, the virus will replicate and automatically send to the top 50 in the address book of an email. Smith was jailed 20 months and fined $ 5,000 and prohibit access to computers without supervision.
Appears in the years 2006, called "Storm Worm" because spreads via email with the subject "230 dead as storm batters Europe". Storm worm is a Trojan program house. some versions can make computers into bots. Or commonly used hackers to spam mails through the internet.
2. Leap-A/Oompa
AMac that has a concept of security through obscurity sure would not have a virus because of its closed system OS. But in 2006, Leap-A virus or commonly known as Oompa-A emerged. Spreads via iChat on the Mac. After Mac fell ill, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and send messages to each contact. The message that contains the corrupted file in the form of JPEG. It's not dangerous, but it stated that there still might be dangerous virus that attacks the MAC.
3. Sasser and Netsky
Creator German children aged 17 years, Sven Jaschan. Sasser attack Microsoft Windows. This ga Sasser spreads via email. But if one computer connection to a computer that got the virus. This virus makes the computer can not be shutdown without unplug the power. Netsky spread via email with a 22 Kb file attachments and Windows network. Can make a DoS attack. Sven Jaschan imprisoned not only given probation 1 year 9 months, because of his age is still below 18 years.
4. MyDome (Novarg)
Beginning February 1, 2004 attack, the virus has created a backdoor in the OS. The first time it started the 1st of DDoS. Secondly, on 12 Feb, the virus stopped spreading and start creating backdoors. MyDoom spreads via email, but it always search on search engines, like Google began to receive millions of search queries and make slow until it crashes. MyDoom, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer proposed making the National Virus Response Center.
5.SQL Slammer / SapphireAppeared in January 2003
spread via the Internet. At that time make U.S. Bank ATM service crashes, destroy Seattle 911 service, and Continental Airlines to cancel flights because of an error check in ama ticketing. Make income of over $ 1 billion before dipacthed.
It was also in 2001, the opposite of the word "admin". Spread very quickly, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, Nimda only takes 22 minutes to make into the Top Ten at the time. His target server2 Internet, spread over the Internet. Nimda will create backdoor into the OS. so an attacker can access to the server and do anything Nimda also a DDoS.
7.Code Red and Code Red II
Appears summer of 2001, attacking the OS Windows 2000 & NT. The virus will make a full buffer so memory. The most exciting time associated and White House, all the computers that get this virus going to automatically access to the web server in the White House unison, so make overload, aka DDoS attacks. Microsoft finally releases the patch at that time.
8.The KlezBobbed In The Year 2001
spreads via email, then send it to peoples replication in address book. Make your computer can not operate, could stop the antivirus program.
After "Melissa", he emerged from the Philippines, his form of worms, a standalone program able to replicate itself. It spreads via email, titled "love letters" from a secret admirer. His original file LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT. vbs. VBS stands for Visual Basic Scripting. Creator Onel de Guzman was from the Philippines.
Contrived same in the years 1999 David L Smith, basic Microsoft Word macros. It spreads via email with the document "Here Is That document you asked for, do not show it to anybody else.". If until opened, the virus will replicate and automatically send to the top 50 in the address book of an email. Smith was jailed 20 months and fined $ 5,000 and prohibit access to computers without supervision.
I hope this article helps and gain knowledge :D
saya bangga bisa jadi komentator pertama blog anda..ini info yang sangat bermanfaat untuk di ikuti..thnks sob sharingnya
@ Wisata Murah : ok sob trima kasih
terimakasih juga sudah comment 
Very Informative sir
wah makasih banyak nih atas share info yg bermanfaat dari sobat
saya ucapkan mantaap , hehehe
Hi Thanks for this information, I wish I can know more about virus today, so I can avoid them to my computer
@ csseyah : ok thanks friend

@ sichandra : ok sob , makasih makasih .... hehehe
@ Lulu : ok, i hope u enjoy friend
hello hello helooo
very good....
Blog walking... Have a great week my friend. Good morning, KALHMERA!!!
interesting blog friend......keep it up.....
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Nice one. thanks for sharing the info!
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